Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday Update

I see we still have people checking in on Meg, so I'll keep updating.  5575 page views since we started.  Believe it or not, there have been a couple of hits coming out of Russia actually.

The last I knew (Sunday evening), Meg has had to carry an IV around 8hrs a day to keep her hydrated.  That has been bummin' her out a little bit and I know she is looking forward to getting rid of it (and the pick line).

She is eating a little more every day, trying to get six meals in a day (even if a meal is a couple bites of casserole or a banana).  Her appetite seems to be coming back some, and she no longer looks like she is struggling to just force the food down.  From what I can gather, every meal is a little bit of a learning experience for her, and her taste buds seem to be hibernating.  She has lost a little bit of weight, which is noticeable, but she is still looking pretty good.  She has been able to leave my mom's house for short excursions, but I think they take their toll pretty fast.

Everything I have read about others who have went through this surgery has me hoping some major healing is around the corner.  It seems people go from not being able to walk due to pain one day, to heading back to work a couple days later.  Benchmarking on others' stories on the net, that usually happens around 3 weeks post op.  I think a little less pain and a little more freedom will do a lot for Meg's spirits.  We'll keep hoping and praying for that.

Based on what I have seen on Facebook, it looks like Matt has made it back to his post (been stuck in Kuwait).  I know he is looking forward to the day he can be back taking care of Meg, but Meg is trying to keep him focused on staying healthy and being focused on the task at hand.  Frank Quattrone was able to get a CD of wedding pictures to us before Matt left, so hopefully in his free time, Matt will be able to look through some of those.  Based on experience, Matt will be expected to have an opinion on what photos he wants printed, even if he doesn't have an opinion.

Meg has told me multiple times she is reading the blogs and loves the comments and support, so keep them coming.


  1. I just checked in to see if anyone was still following and it seems like they are so I will put a little update of my own. Hopefully Kalen can show me how to actually do a post insteasd of a comment so that anyone still following can see what is going on a little easier. Now for the update..Most everyone know that while meg's surgery and post-op went very well and is stll Dad, and Mike (Matt's dad) are doing the computer research and possible appt making, Kalen is organizing, Jim and I are doing the caretaking of her physically to get her strong enough for her next battle, and when Meg was asked "what she really needed now" Kristen stepped up to the task and is coming to do her fingernails tonight. We are going with the saying..You look good..you feel good. It is really wonderful though that everyone has been there to offer help and support. I'm not sure where this next path will take us but already I have seen so much strength and grace in my daughter that it has given me courage to face what may come next. And if you know me or ask my kids.. I don't give praise to them or brag unless it is really earned. Of course every once in awhile she falls off her pedistal so I know she is still herself and hasn't went bonkers from all the stress and mountains. But she and we are hanging in and fighting back and begining to work on a book titled.."Wading the medical field when you have a life-threatening illness for dummies." lol I don't think it has been written yet but someone should because it's a "jungle out there". As this journey goes on I hope we can be a help to someone if they find themselves climbing the same hill. Worked yesterday on it all but today we're(she) is sleeping in. Yah!

  2. Welll...Kalen invited me as a contributor on the blog but I am not sure how to do that and if this will come up as a comment or as an update. If anyone is still checking in I wanted to let them know that Meg does hope to get on herself but has seemed to have a little setback since coming home and just hasn't been feeling well enough to type. I did have hopes the other night b/c she actually had the computer on and had the page pulled up but didn't manage to get anything on here.
    As I said she has had a couple of pretty bad days but seems to be doing a little better tonight. I think she just became so tired physically/emotionally and mentally that she became totally exhausted by it all. Her mouth became very sore and so eating became even more of a challenge,frequent hot flashes,plus her pain seemed more increased and was coming in sharp,stabbing waves at times also she wasn't getting the rest she needed because of wanting to visit with family, talking to Matt, nurse visits,txting friends etc. I was very concerned but when I contacted the doctors office they felt that basically everything was normal stuff associated with the aftermath of surgery. So they ordered a script for her mouth and I asked the family to limit their visiting and if they did come to see her not to talk about anything except trivial stuff like the weather and such. It was very thoughtful that they all gave her a break, the medicine is helping her mouth and her Dad has her stocked up well on ensure and boost to help get the calories in.
    She does seem a little better tonight although sleeping(again)and managed to eat much better today. She even pacified me with doing 3laps inside the house this afternoon and a very, very short walk outside tonight.
    Meg has lost quite a bit of weight which has her a little upset and Matt confused. I can understand why he is confused because most of the time women are complaining they want to lose weight.
    Her output went down and while it is more in the range they want (1000cc-1200cc)I will have to focus on the fluids more tomorrow to make sure she doesn't dehydrate while getting her rest. She has done so well to drink,drink,drink like they told her to.
    She is hanging in there though and we do have appt in Pittsburgh and John Hopkins scheduled which is a good thing..now if I can get her strong enough to make the trips.
    I thought her picc line was to come out today but now they are leaving it in till Mon and going to draw some bloodwork before taking it out. She will be delighted then because she worries about it getting infected. Also because when it is flushed with normal saline to keep it opened she can taste it in her mouth. This seems so weird to me that something they are putting in your vein can show up on your taste buds. If anyone can explain this to me I would be interested in the why and how of it. It is things like this that make the human body so interesting to me. Poor Meg though she has never had a strong stomach for this kind of stuff and it just makes her queasy. So she will def be glad when this part is over!
    Kaleb mentioned a good website to mabye help get a better grip on this mountain we are climbing and I hope to check it out soon to see if I think it will help her and any of the rest of us.
    As soon as she will let me I would like to put a pic on of her...I know she looks like she has been through a war but I am hanging on to the day when she cares about make-up,hair and what she is wearing enough to dress for a photo op. Then I will know that she has her strength back enough to fight and that smile will be coming alot more frequently instead of the quick flashes I have been seeing lately. Gotta go do some nursing duties now though.

  3. Keep fighting Meg we love you so, and pray for you!!!!!!!! Try to eat and build your strength, so you can make it out to the camp site, but if not we'll be in to see ya with lots of pictures. Hang in there kid Oh, and I will pray every day for you to feel better.
