Friday, July 27, 2012

Rest!! How nice!

Ahha..We have finally had a quiet morning since before the wedding just to wake up whenever, take time to collect your thoughts and then consider what you want/need to do for the today. I don't know if Meg has enjoyed it as much as me but it has been wonderful! A small blessing from it is, that Meg has finally felt well enough and had time enough to show me how to post as an author. Which is one job off Kalen's list.
  Meg is doing much better and beginning to look like herself except for the skinny-minny part. Soon I hope she will be back to the days she complained she was too heavy. I am thinking though, with the things to come that the day she 'turns down 'something due to watching her weight aren't for awhile.
  We are presently in Annapolis Md continuing with her proposed plan of treatment which hopefully include getting her port inserted to receive chemo, setting up the medical coverage she may need while down her for home health, basic health issues such as normal perscriptions and coordinating with the medical side from up home. Of course while doing this along with learning how to drive in a city again we are still working on getting Matt home. It does seem to be progressing on that issue but very slowly which is very frustrating to him. Kinda like that "a watched pot doesn't boil" and I think to Matt it seems like it  is taking forever to even get the "water" to simmer stage!
  Once again though, I am reminded of how much this is a team effort and how lucky we are to have each member of our families. Along with the ones we have had involved we now have the Annapolis ones(,Jodie,Tom,Lisa) helping to provide a wonderful place to stay, recoup and review where/what our progress is along with how to continue our path. It is amazing the way everyone family,friends,strangers have came alongside to help as they can. For me, it is seeing God's handiwork in it all and trusting him to work out the details we can't.
  And so it may seem like Meg and I have blown off the morning by playing on the computers (got to check out facebook and email for the 1st time in days!) but we have done some work..sent out emails to medical staff that are important, worked on establishing contacts that may be needed down here and of course talked to Matt (very imp). But more than anything, I think we have done what really needed done, relax, decompress. 
She is getting stronger, handling alot of her personal and medical affairs by herself, staying hydrated (now working on potassium level..last blood work showed everything good even sodium except potassium was low so they added another med..yay!! A potassium supplement) So her daily routine is going to consist of 3-4 bottles Gatorade,1-2 bottles of vitamin water, 2-3 bottles of ensure/boost, maybe some plain water, as much food as I can get in her..(nice to see she is hungry again..gained a pound could be more but we have been on sooo many different scales lately it hard to be sure.) and medication..almost done with the extra ones like antibiotic and mouthwash. We have already finished a couple that were added for the mouth infection. She is looking so much better that I am hoping she will soon let us add a pic to the blog..hardly looks and moves like a sick person at all now.
So that's where we are at and at least a little bit of update. I hope everyone up north is doing ok..heard that there were some pretty bad storms up there..we will be praying for them while I hope everyone is still praying for us.

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