Monday, July 30, 2012


Well we headed off to the IVF clinic this am and actually only left 15mins later than our target time. Not bad! Once we arrived we recieved quite a few items concerning good news:

The red cross had called them 3x's already today to expediate Matt's return. (Should be heading for Alaska soon we believe.)

Her funding/grant from the Sharing Hope Foundation was approved ..really good news b/c this procedure usually cost somewhere between 10,000.00-15,000.00! Her cost now should be down around 5,000.00.(Insurance usually doesn't cover IVF) Also on those lines the downpayment she had to make today came in a little lower than 1st anticipated..still a lot of money though and those wedding presents are really coming in handy right now. (she is really hoping to get started on the thank-you notes today..I think she is just waiting till Matt gets home to do his share, since he didn't do any before he left.)

Her body is responding well to the hormone therapy and we can even dial the injection dose down a bit from 300 to 225.

We continue to work on medi-port placement now set for 8/6 and chemo a few days after along with the home health and ostomy nurse referral. All these are progressing well. Just a side note though is the fact that you really DON'T have to drive into downtown Baltimore to get gas! Unless you are stupid enough to get on a major interstate while looking for a gas station. But all in all not bad, we saw the Univ of Maryland Medical ctr, the M&T stadium (not sure what sports team plays there and don't care b/c I know it ISN't the Steelers., and I now don't have to fear driving in downtown Baltimore when we do go there. Oh and I can also tell you how to get to the Zoo for when and if we have time to go. But it really wasn't bad ..took about 3hrs to do completely including our little detour. They are all great at the clinic and very helpful so no complaints there. Still working on that pic..coming soon I hope.

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