Friday, September 21, 2012

T-shirts are in!!

The T-shirts are in and they look great! Thanks so much to Kalen  for getting the idea going, Trisha for all her time coordinating everything, also to Jenna, T.O. and Brandy at South St for pitching in to get the word out about the shirts so that even more people will be a part of  Team Meghan. The response has been so wonderful and amazing!! A really big Thank -you is owed to everyone who has helped to make this endeavor possible for Meg.
As I tried to get across earlier this wasn't exactly my original idea but it has really seemed to have taken on a life of it's own and I can see many blessings to come from it that I hadn't thought about. The first one will be  that it is going to give Meg something to do when she is too tired to do housework but still wants to feel productive....She can figure out a way to collect everyone's photo in their shirt and get them to me so that I can get that letter off to Ellen and Oprah!! 
I will hopefully be taking Meg's and Matt's down soon so that they can start to wear them and get them signed as they go to all those wonderful appointments! They may have to backtrack a little though to get the signatures from the start. But hey..what else do they have to do right now??? LOL (that comment is just for you Meg..are you giving me that look yet?)
Once again Thank-you to everyone so much and as soon as you can get a picture in your shirt, either as an individual or as a group photo with some of the other "team members" send it to Meg so that we can start to compile them all in some type of format. I know that as we do that, it will bring smiles to both of them and also create a good memory to hang onto as she goes through this and when she is done on the other side of this "bump" in her life.

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