Alright, I am looking for some feedback here, so don't be shy.
The deal with paying online for t-shirts is this:
1) We can just use Paypal. It is simple and already set up. The problem is, they will charge about a $1 per t-shirt to use their service. That isn't too bad, but out of principle, I would rather find a better idea. I would rather that $1 ends up in Meghan's coffers rather than Paypal's. Regardless, it is a fallback plan.
2) We can set up a donation site, such as We could just have everyone donate $15 per t-shirt. That seems too easy, and I know some of these sites charge up to 10% of the overall donation to use their site, so I am cautious. Anyone ever use one of these types of sites for fundraising? I think our options will be to use a newer site that may not be super easy to use, or an established site and pay too much money. Obviously, anything over 6% and we would be better off just using Paypal.
3) We could go old school with sending checks and cash. For you younger folks, cash is that green stuff that old people carry around. I know, I haven't seen it myself since I was 12, but I have heard that in rural areas people still use it. The reality there though is someone is chipping in $.50 for a stamp anyways. I think that is what they are going for these days, but like the cash, I haven't used one in awhile. Might as well use Paypal and save the hassle right?
I know lots of people read this blog. Please give me your opinion on how you all want to handle this. If you have a better idea, let us know.
On the subject of t-shirts, we have orders for about 20 as of right now. Hardly any from family though. I am not super surprised, because at least Meghan's side is notoriously scatter-brained. As soon as we sort out this payment thing, we are going to set a date for closing of the order. After that, none of you hammer heads better give me flack because you wanted a t-shirt and didn't get the order in.
A couple of cool offers came in to help Meghan (and the hammer heads). Xtreme is going to waive the setup costs for the first run of shirts. That is awesome, because that will turn this into an actual mini-fundraiser. Also, a local shop has offered to sell the t-shirts for Meg. More details on that will be provided after we figure out how we are going to do it without anyone getting stuck with t-shirts. If you are one of those folks who forgets to put your order in, and you are local, you will have the ability to buy shirts there.
Alright, I know some of you actually read the blog to see how Meg is doing. Last I checked, she is relaxing in Annapolis and enjoying a quiet weekend. No chemo next week and the side effects weren't bad last week. Nothing major to report, which is always good news!
Is there a way to use Meghan's Dad's business to accept credit card orders? People could call the business and place an order that way. Just a suggestion.
ReplyDeleteAunt Joni
Yep, the old man accepts credit cards at the Motel. This is a good idea, but I am pretty sure there is a 7% add-on when using the machine. I am going to double check to make sure. You all probably don't want to send your credit card numbers to me to run, but I am pretty sure my wife is trust-worthy. I let her have all my money at least.