Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hopkins Update

We went to Hopkins and got a very similar treatment plan as to what UPMC recommended.  I'll let Meghan fill you all in on details when she feels comfortable.  Things are going to start moving pretty quick here, so pray for a clear mind for Meg as she makes these important decisions.

Good news, Meg is eating more.  Had a good chunk of salmon, baked potato soup, and some iced tea at lunch the other day.  She is hungry, which is a great thing.  I doubt she ever thought she would want to put on 10-15 pounds.  All the docs seem to agree, the best diet for her as she moves through treatments is the one that makes her happiest.  If that is Ho-Ho's in the morning and Ramen noodles every night, that is fine with them.

I heard a cool song on the way home today, I thought it was relevant.  Here are the lyrics:

"So no matter what you been through, no matter what you into
No matter what you see when you look outside your window
Brown grass or green grass, picket fence or barbed wire
Never ever put them down, you just lift your arms higher

Raise 'em 'til your arms tired let 'em know you here
That you struggling, survivin', that you gon' persevere
Yeah, ain't nobody leavin', nobody goin' home
Even if they turn the lights out, the show is goin' on"

Sometimes Meg's spirits can get pretty low, but it seems when she is down the most, God/Karma/Allah/whatever higher being you believe in tends to put the right people in her life at the right time.  Everyday I see a little more fight in her.

I had big plans for a Hopkins entry that was picture heavy for your viewing entertainment, but the day was a whirlwind and I spent more time finding directions in my phone and looking up phone numbers rather than taking pictures.  Sorry!


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