Graduated high school with honors, Homecoming court, kept up with the guys when partying (hey Elk County!), Deans list at Penn State, got a job, moved to NC by herself, etc. Lots of great things and I always "thought" I was proud of her, but those were all things she was "supposed" to do.
The past couple days she has copied me on a couple emails she has sent to nurses and doctors down in Baltimore. I never thought she would really own this treatment and figured she would let my mom handle most of the nitty gritty details. She could have. Let me tell you though, she has this bull by the horns. Occasionally, she asks for some suggestions or help, but for the most part, she is really stepping up and taking care of business.
I thought I was "proud" before, but now I know what it feels like to be "proud" of my sister. We all are fighting our own battles, small and large, and I find inspiration in her fortitude. I hope you do too!
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