Friday, February 22, 2013

And the craziness begins..

So these next few months are going to be super crazy- BUT I have it in my mind it's going to be a good kind of crazy, and I'm sticking with that. A positive frame of mind is half the battle, right? So chemo is officially done- yay! No Mo Chemo, at least if I have any say in the matter! All the blood work looks great, CT scans came back clean..which basically translates to a break from the oncologist's office for about three months. :) Don't get me wrong, there is still an incredibly long road ahead of me; surgery, check ups/blood work/scans every 3 months, Genetics counseling, etc.....however. I think this is an awesome first step in the right direction, and I'm going to take it and run with it right now. God is so good, and certainly heard all of your prayers- thank you. :)

Also on the medical side of things- Matt and I made the trip to Pittsburgh to meet with my surgeon at UPMC to see if everything looks okay for surgery- after a very long day, and a ridiculously fun test (I wish you could sense my sarcasm through a Dr. Medich said all looks great, and surgery is a go for March 7th. He's basically told me to prepare for roughly two weeks of hell after the surgery, but after that things should start looking up. The way I'm calculating things, that should put me right in the right time frame to see all of you that are able to attend the benefit. :) As and added bonus, we made the trip to Waynesburg the night before our appointment so we didn't have to wake up QUITE so early on Wednesday, and we were able to see Aunt Linda, Katrina, and Uncle Greg, my momma and my grandpa Tom...always a plus! Our families have been such a huge support for us through all this, and I know I am very fortunate to have that as many people don't, they are certainly something I thank God for everyday. It was especially important to me to see my grandpa as he is fighting his own battle with cancer right now- if you could, please keep him in prayer. He's stubborn as the day is long, and I have complete confidence he can continue to fight, he just needs a bit of help right now. Thank you! :)

The weekend before our trip to Pittsburgh, my dad and Nancy made it down to visit. We had a great time! Matt and I met up with them in the Inner Harbor, and we had a delicious dinner by the water (yes, I'm still a fat kid that loves food at heart. lol), and then made it back to our house where dad helped me build a makeshift garden at our place. I'm posting a picture my dad and I took by the harbor..completely terrible pic of me (it was FREEZING), but it's proof that my dad does travel sometimes. haha.

So it'll be birthday celebration next week, then time to prep for surgery. Then a little bit of recovery time, then Matt's family is coming to visit for a bit, then we'll be back up to Ridgway for Easter/Team Meghan benefit. I'm really looking forward to seeing all of our family and friends! :) Also, quite a few people have asked how they can donate to the benefit, if they aren't able to attend/don't wish to buy resolve that issue we have created a website where you can donate pretty easily.. if you are interested, just let me or my dad know and we'll get the website out to you.

I can't believe I almost forgot one of the most exciting parts of my life the past couple weeks..I'm going to be an aunt again!!! :) I can't wait! I love my nieces and nephew to pieces, and one more will just be all the better.

Hope you all are doing well and have a great day...God bless you all!


  1. Just reread the post from July 10th last year. So hard to believe where we were and where we are now. Considering all that could have happened along the way..we have been blessed to have come this far with as few problems as we have had! Trying not to be anxious about the next step but wondering how it will all come out. I guess we will just have to remember it is the same game..just a different inning and we are in the 9th inning (not sure which comes or bottom) but there we are. Must really be needing spring if I am thinking baseball thoughts. Soon Meg you will be out of the minors and into the big leagues of (again),babies and oh yes that husband thing with those wifely duties! LOL This time you may WANT to stay a little longer in the hospital so that "They" can do the cooking and cleaning for a bit. Keep praying for no snow on March 7th.

  2. Haha yes you must desperately need spring if you are thinking baseball- you don't even like that sport! I too am getting anxious about the next step- but one thing I have learned through this all is you've got roll with the punches. I guess we have to just hope/pray for the best! I think this should get me a month's pass from wifely duties- right?! Not only am I praying no snow March 7th- I'm praying y'all are done with snow for the winter!
