Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Going home..I think..

I think the time is here for me to go home and let Meg and Matt get on with the joys of married life finally. I can't wait to see how they get through the newlywed phase to really becoming a family of their own! fun fun as all old married people know. LOL! I do think they will be fine though. And yes I am slightly worried but that is what happens when your children start any new phase in their lives.
I am not as worried now as I was because Meg has finally connected up with 2 great people that have been through this situation and survived and are doing well. One is a girl that her Dad?brother? (not sure which) hooked her up with and the other is through an ostomy support group down here. Already they have answered quite a few questions and helped solve some problems that we were having. I hope down the road that we could be a good resource to someone who is just starting out.
As for Meg and Matt they are doing good and getting adjusted. Meg did fine with her 1st chemo treatment and is getting ready for the second one. I hope it goes as well. She is eating like a horse and is continuing to gain weight, staying hydrated and actually recuperating from all the major and minor procedures we have been through lately.
I am hoping as she developes her relationship with others that have/have had these situations she will learn more tips for enjoying life as she goes through it. Already she has learned that she can def. expand her diet (yah..she is so sick of trying to eat junk food to maintain weight) and that the amount of gatorade can be decerased quite a bit. That in itself will help with finances and variety in her liquids. Even found out she CAN have some coffee and a glass of wine/beer every so often. So on the issue of living and ENJOYING life things are looking better. I hope she will pass all new info she is learning on so that if any one out with an ileostomy can benefit.
Keep it in your prayers that things will continue to go well after I leave...I know there will be some bumps but I also know they have to fly with their own wings to find their own mountaintops.

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