So this week's post is going to be exactly what the title claims. A bunch of random rambling. All the updates I have for this week are so all over the place, that random was the best title for them. :) Haha. Matt and I survived our trip to PA, and managed to make it back JUST in time for Sandy to hit! Luckily, we were very fortunate that the storm itself didn't do much damage, just a bit of water in our basement. Considering how bad other people were hit by this storm, I'd say it's safe to say we were blessed! However, I was scheduled to have my 6th treatment on Monday, but due to the extreme weather conditions, it was rescheduled to tomorrow. Initially, I was a bit bummed about missing a treatment again, but I quickly realized it was just an additional week for my body to get stronger, and even more time for me to feel "normal" for a bit longer. (it's hard to explain how amazing it is to feel "normal" and feel much more like your old self during all this mess.) So off to Baltimore we go again bright and early tomorrow.
I'm not sure how many of you caught that tomorrow is my 6th treatment...I have 12 treatments total. That's right- tomorrow is 50% done with this stuff- Half way through!! You better bet I will be playing some Living on a Prayer on the way to and from the hospital. haha
On a side note, I gave acupuncture a try for the first time Friday. One of my doctors had recommended it as a way to treat the neuropathy I have been experiencing (and possibly prevent further damage), as well as tackling any fertility issues I may encounter from this, and the most exciting part- if chemopause occurs, it may be able to reverse it! (I know everyone isn't quite as versed in all these wonderful terms associated with the "C", so the quick explanation is chemopause is an early onset of menopause that can occur as a result of my treatments..hotflashes at 26? fantastic.) So needless to say, I was curious as I want to look into every possible way I have to treat and defeat this stuff. I have to be honest, the needles seriously do not hurt! I am a HUGE baby about needles (I still have to look away when they draw my blood), and it didn't bother me a bit. Of course everyone that has experienced acupuncture told me going into it that they don't hurt, but I figured that was the usual BS everyone gives you when you are going to do something. Low and behold, they were right! Honestly it was pretty relaxing, once you get past the needle part, 30 minutes in a calm room, where you have nothing to think about but laying there and relaxing. I'd think all of us could use that, even if the needles weren't involved. lol I'm pretty hopeful about it all, although I am a pretty firm believer in the power of the mind and thinking, and I think what you "believe" will work holds a lot of weight. I will keep you all updated on it as my treatments progress.
All of the Elk County crew will appreciate this next part... Team Meghan made it all the way to the Turkey Trot! Brandy was sporting her Team Meghan shirt, along with some other awesome apparel I might, and was nice enough to allow me to post her pic on here. Plus she said she had counted 5 other Team Meghan shirts there today. Can I just tell you all again how much I love you all for this support? It's amazing to see that it keeps coming with no end.

That being said, I think the second order of t-shirts has been picked up and I believe they are in the process of delivering them to you all now. If you haven't received your t-shirt, I ask that you please be patient. My brother and sister-in-law, as well as my dad and Jenna have put a huge deal of time and effort into this, and there's quite a bit of leg work that goes into sorting all the shirts and getting them delivered to the right people- but they are on it! Thanks again to everyone who orchestrated this, and thanks to all of you for purchasing and supporting us!
I think that's all going on around these parts right now, hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and have a great week. Oh- and if you happen to be blasting some Bon Jovi tomorrow, I won't be offended. :) Feel free to celebrate with me!